Friends are Flowers you pick for yourself, and I’m lucky to say that I’m blessed with the worlds most amazing bouquet of besties! Actions speak louder than words, so don’t just tell your friends how much they mean to you, show them! My friends at WHO WHAT WEAR and I agree that the demand for colorful and cool friendship bracelets using the COBRA stitch are back in a major way! I’ve been drawn to MARNI’S take on the friendship bangle creation for quite some time. Get inspired and get involved. Create chic BFF bracelets that represent the color your clan brings into your life. Everyone needs that reminder as well as a new accessory from time to time… make a note, and make a bracelet.To create: Cut 3 pieces of ribbon or colorful rope (12” for base, Ribbon A & B approx 1 yard). Fuse together the ends of the 2 colors of ribbon with a small drop of glue. Do not start using ribbons, until completely dry. Tape down the shorter, center ribbon, to a steady and flat surface. To begin with the Cobra stitch, use Ribbon A, and cross over the center (base ribbon) making a loop. Bring Ribbon B under the tail and through Ribbon A’s loop. Once knotted through, pull Ribbon A & B equally, that will knot around base ribbon. Continue pattern and alternate the lead Ribbon from side to side. PS- If your pattern starts to go Spiral, that means you knotted on the same side and should un-do, and start on the alternate side. Once you have a Cobra pattern that is long enough for a bracelet, double knot ends, trim and tie off for a Chic Cobra Bracelet. Brave your Bestie on your wrist for a bold accessory, but more importantly- a blissful reminder of your BFF.
Note: For more info & DIY Project ideas you can visit -->
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